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Package structer providers some util functions for structs.

Merge, MergeByMap

Are functions to merge a s struct by another struct or by a map. It`s a wrapper for mergo. For more the options check out the repository.


Use mergo.WithOverride options to overwrite dest values.

type Foo struct {
    A string
    B int

src := Foo{
    A: "one",
    B: 2,
dest := Foo{
    A: "two",

// result: A:two, B:2


ParseTag will parse the tag to key/value pairs map[string]string.

Multiple entries can be separated by ; Values are optionally.

// `orm:primary`            // will be parsed to: map[primary]""
// `orm:primary; column:id` // will be parsed to: map[column]"id"

sfield := reflect.StructField{}