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Package slicer providers some util functions for slices.


Checks if the given interface exists in a slice. If it exists, a the position and a boolean true will return

slice := []interface{}{1, 2}
pos, exists := slicer.InterfaceExists(slice, 1)
// pos: 0, exists:true


Checks if the given prefix exists in the string slice. If it exists, a slice with all matched results will return.

cache := []string{"orm_User", "orm_Address"}
result := slicer.StringPrefixExists(cache, "orm_")
// result: []string{"orm_User", "orm_Address"}


Checks if the given string exists in the string slice. If it exists, the position and a boolean true will return

cache := []string{"orm_User", "orm_Address"}
result := slicer.StringPrefixExists(cache, "orm_User")
// result: 0,true


Will unique all strings in the given slice.

cache := []string{"orm_User", "orm_User","orm_Address"}
result := slicer.StringUnique(cache
// result:[]string{"orm_User", "orm_Address"}