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Package server is a configurable webserver with pre-defined hooks.


New will create a new webserver instance. Only one webserver instance can exist.

The following hooks will be called:

Name Description
router If a router provider is defined by config, a new router manager will be created. The Favicon, PublicDir(s) and PublicFile(s)s will be added if defined.
databases All defined databases will be saved globally and opened.
caches All defined caches will be created and saved globally.
translation If a translation provider is defined by config, a new translation manger will be created. By default the translation raw messages for all registered modules, navigations, and controller will be generated. If the JSONFilePath is configured, a JSON file for each defined language will be generated on start.

If the configuration Router.CreateDBRoutes is set to true, for each route an db entry will be made.

cfg := server.Configuration{}

err := server.New(cfg)
// ...


The server config can be embedded in your application configuration which can be passed to the New function. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

type MyAppConfig struct {
server.Configuration `mapstructure:",squash"`
Name string

Within your application you can access your Config by server.Config(). You have to cast the interface to your actual type.

config, err := server.Config()
myConfig := config.(MyConfig) // cast to ...


By this function you will only receive the server.Configuration struct. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

srvConfig, err := server.ServerConfig() 

Frontend config

If the config config.Webserver.FrontendConfigFile has no zero value, all the config field which have the field tag frontend:"" will be added.

If the tag is present on a struct, all struct fields will be added. To exclude a single field, frontend:"-" can be used.

A different field name can be definen with frontend:"yourName".

A JSON file will be generated with all the defined Fields.


Will start the webserver. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

err := server.Start()
// ...


Will stop the webserver. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

err := server.Stop()
// ...


Will return the *jwt.Token of the webserver. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

jwt, err := server.JWT()
// ...


Set the server jwt token.. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

err := server.SetJWT(jwt)
// ...


Will return the defined router. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

router, err := server.Router()
// ...


Will return all defined cache managers. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

caches, err := server.Databases()
// ...


Will return all defined databases. The database is globally used and already opened. Error will return if this function is called before a server instance exists.

dbs, err := server.Databases()
// ...


Will return a translation.Manager.

i18n, err := server.Translation()
// ...