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Package router provides a manager to add public and secure routes based on a http.Handler or http.HandlerFunc.

Specific Action<->HTTP Method mapping can be defined.

Middleware can be added for each route or globally for all secured routes.

Files or directories can be added.

The PATTERN, PARAMS, ACTION and (ALLOWED HTTP Methods - only on OPTIONS) will be added as request context.


Inspired by the database/sql, this module is based on providers. You have to import the needed provider with a dash in front: This will only call the init function(s) of the package(s) and will register itself. For a full list of all available providers, see the providers section.

import ""
import _ "" // example for the julienschmidt http router


The New function requires two arguments. First the name of the registered provider and a provider configuration. Each provider will have different configuration settings, please see the providers section for more details.

// get a new router instance.
routerManager,err := router.New(router.JSROUTER,nil)


Can be used to disable one or more HTTP methods globally. By Default: TRACE and CONNECT are disabled.

// will disable globally HTTP GET for any routes.
err = routerManager.AllowHTTPMethod(http.MethodGet,false)


Middleware(s) can be added. They will automatically apply to the AddSecureRoute(s).



Sets the fav icon. The pattern is /favicon.ico. If the source does not exist, an error will return.

err := routerManager.SetFavicon("assets/img/favicon.ico")


The first argument is the pattern, and the second one is the source. The pattern must begin with a /. If the pattern already exists, or the source does not exist, an error will return.

err := routerManager.AddPublicFile("/robot.txt","assets/static/robot.txt")


The first argument is the pattern, and the second one is the source. Directories are not allowed on pattern root level /. The pattern must begin with a /. If the pattern already exists, or the source does not exist, an error will return.

err := routerManager.AddPublicDir("/images","assets/img")


A route can be added to the router. Please see the route section for more details.

err := routerManager.AddPublicRoute(router.NewRoute("/login", handleFunc))


A secure route can be added to the router. Please see the route section for more details. The route secure variable will be set to true

If no secure middleware(s) are defined, an error will return.

err := routerManager.AddSecureRoute(router.NewRoute("/admin", handleFunc))


All defined routes of the router will return.

routes := routerManager.Routes()


The route by the given pattern will return. If the pattern does not exist, an error will return.

routes := routerManager.RouteByPattern("/favicon.ico")


Returns the http.Handler.

handler := routerManager.Handler()


Set a custom handler for all routes which can not be found.



A new route can be created with router.NewRoute(pattern string, handler interface{}, mapping ...Mapping).

patter: If the pattern already exists, an error will return.

handler can be of type http.Handler or http.HandlerFunc. If it is nil or any other type, an error will return.

A action name mapping is required on http.Handler. Mappings can be defined optionally on http.HandlerFunc. By default, all allowed HTTP methods of the router, will be mapped.

A Mapping instance can be created with router.NewMapping(methods []string, action interface{}, mw *middleware).

The methods are any HTTP methods which should be mapped to the pattern. If its nil, all allowed HTTP methods of the router manager will be added.

The action can be of the type string or func. If the type is func, the function name will be set as string on runtime. The action string will be added as request context.

If set, the middlewares will be added to the route.

For each pattern, any HTTP method must be unique, otherwise an error will return.

route := router.NewRoute("/public2", handleFunc, router.NewMapping([]string{http.MethodGet}, "View", nil), router.NewMapping([]string{http.MethodPUt}, "Create", nil))


All pre-defined middleware:


Provides a middleware for the logger.Manager. The logged information is remoteAddr, HTTP Method, URL, Proto, HTTP Status, Response size and requested time. On HTTP status < 400 a log.Info() will be called otherwise log.Error().


The logger middleware should used before all other middlewares, otherwise the request time will be incorrect.

// the middleware
mw := router.NewMiddleware(middleware.NewLogger(logManager).MW)


Provides a middleware to check against a JWT token. If the JWT token is invalid a http.StatusUnauthorized will return. If the JWT token is expired it will be re-generated if allowed. In such case, the request header will be manipulated if a refresh happens, so that there is the new refresh token as REFRESH cookie and the old one as REFRESH_OLD.

There are two callback functions. CallbackGenerate for manipulating the claim before its signed. CallbackRefresh to check if the refresh token is still valid, against a custom logic.

The claim will be set as request context with the key jwt.CLAIM.

A claim struct is provided and can be embedded into a custom struct.

cfg := jwt.Config{
    Alg: jwt.HS512, 
    Issuer: "authserver", 
    Audience: "client", 
    Subject: "auth", 
    Expiration: 5*time.Minute, 
    SignKey: "secret",
    RefreshToken: jwt.RefreshConfig{Expiration: 30*24*time.Hour}

claim := jwt.Claim{}

jwt := jwt.New(cfg,claim);
jwt.CallbackRefresh = func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Claimer){return nil}  // your logic
jwt.CallbackGenerate = func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Claimer){return nil} // your logic

// the middleware
mw := router.NewMiddleware(jwt.MW)


Provides a role based access control list. It is build on top of the JWT middleware.

A RoleService must be set, to check against the custom logic. Simply implement the RoleService interface. The arguments pattern HTTP method and claim will be passed to the Allowed function.


The JWT middleware must be set before the RBAC middleware.

roleService := CustomService{};
rbac := middleware.NewRbac(roleService)

// the middleware
mw := router.NewMiddleware(jwt.MW, rbac.MW)


All pre-defined providers:


A wrapper for httprouter.




no options are available at the moment.


import ""
import _ ""

r,err := router.New(router.JSROUTER,nil)

Create your own provider

To create your own provider, you have to implement the router.Provider interface.

// Provider interface.
type Provider interface {
// Handler must return the mux for http/server.
Handler() http.Handler
// custom NotFound handler can be set.
// AddRoute to the router.
AddRoute(Route) error
// AddPublicDir to the router.
// The source is already checked if it exists.
AddPublicDir(url string, path string) error
// AddPublicFile to the router
// The source is already checked if it exists.
AddPublicFile(url string, path string) error

Use the init function to register your provider.

The registered value must be of the type func(m Manager, options interface{}) (router.Provider, error).

// init register your config provider
func init() {
    err := router.Register("my-provider",New)
    if err != nil {

func New(m Manager, options interface{}) (router.Provider, error){
    return provider,nil


import ""
import _ "your/repo/router/yourProvider"

err := router.New("my-provider", options)