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The grid package converts any grid.Source into a CRUD backend.

  • All primary-, foreign, references and polymorphic fields are removed by default
  • Relation will be displayed depth max 1 at the moment.
  • belongsTo and manyToMany will be select boxes on the frontend.
  • Errors will be set as controller errors.
  • Field validation will happen automatically on front- and backend.
  • Frontend fields will be rendered automatically by field type.
  • Developer friendly. Every source which implements the grid.Source can be used.


func (c MyController) User(){
    g := grid.New(c,grid.Orm(model),nil)


Creates a new grid instance. The first argument must be the controller, the second is the grid.Source and the third is the grid.config which is optional.

The grid will be cached, to avoid re-creating the grid fields. The cache key will be the configured grid ID. Be aware that the config will be cached. If you need dynamic configuration, use grid.Scope().Config for it, after init.

g := grid.New(c, grid.Orm(model))


The grid can be fully configured. If the configuration should be changed after init dynamically, the Scope.Config() can be used.

Name Default Description
ID controller:action Unique name for the grid. This is used as cache key.
Title {ID}-title Title of the grid.
Description {ID}-description Description of the grid.
Policy orm.WHITELIST If the Policy is WHITELIST, the fields have to be set explicit.
Exports csv Slice of names of render types.
Action see ACTION
Filter see FILTER
History see HISTORY


Name Default Description
PositionLeft false Defines where the action (details,edit,delete) column should be displayed on the grid table.
DisableDetails true Disables the details mode. It is disabled because its not implemented yet!
DisableCreate false Disables the create mode.
DisableUpdate false Disables the update mode.
DisableDelete false Disables the delete mode.
CreateLinks nil You can add params to the grid Add button. IF multiple entries exist, a menu will be generated.


Name Default Description
Disable false Disable filter.
DisableQuickFilter false Disable the quick filter.
DisableCustomFilter false Disable the custom filter.
OpenQuickFilter false The quick filter will be opened by default
AllowedRowsPerPage -1,5,10,15,25,50 The allowed rows per page.
RowsPerPage 15 Default rows per page.


Name Default Description
Disable false Disable the history.
AdditionalIDs []string{} Additional grid IDs can be added to show in the history content.


The grid mode is defined by the http.Method and controller.Params.

Mode http.Method Param
grid.FeTable GET
grid.FeHistory GET mode=history
grid.FeFilter GET mode=filter
grid.SrcCallback GET mode=callback
grid.FeDetails GET mode=details
grid.FeCreate GET mode=create
grid.FeUpdate GET mode=update
grid.FeExport GET mode=export
grid.SrcCreate POST
grid.SrcUpdate PUT
grid.SrcDelete DELETE


Will return the grid field by name. If the field does not exist, an empty field with an error will return.

field := grid.Field("ID")

A field can be configured by the following functions. Each function returns itself, this way it can be chained. If an error occures, the fields error will be set. Error will be handled in grid.Render.

The configuration for SetPosition, SetTitle, SetDescription, SetRemove, SetHidden and SetView must be set with grid.NewValue() or native go type.

  • string for SetTitle, SetDescription, SetView
  • bool for SetRemove, SetHidden
  • int for SetPosition

If the native type is different, an error will be set.

// grid mode: table, update, create will have the title "ID" 
// and details will have the title "Identifier".
Function available frontend Description
Name, SetName x Will set the fields name. The name is used in the frontend as id.
Primary, SetPrimary x Will define if the field is a primary key.
Type, SetType x Defines the field type.
Title, SetTitle x Will set the fields title.
Description, SetDescription x Will set the fields description.
Position, SetPosition x Will set the fields position.
Removed, SetRemove x Will flag the field as removed.
Hidden, SetHidden x Will set the field as hidden.
View, SetView x Will set a custom frontend view component for the field.
ReadOnly, SetReadOnly x Will set the field as read only.
Sort, SetSort x Will allow the sorting of the field and set the condition field name.
Filter, SetFilter x Will allow the filtering of the field and set the condition operator and field name.
GroupAble, SetGroupAble x Will set the field as group able.
Options, Option, SetOption x Will add a option for the field.
Relation, SetRelation x Will define the field as relation
Field Will return a field by name. If the field was not found, an field error will be set. (relation)
Fields, SetFields x Will return all child fields. (relation)
Error Will return the field error.

Field types

Name implemented in frontend Description
Bool Checkbox
Integer Input-Integer
Float Input-Numeric
Text Input-Text
TextArea TextArea
Time Input
Date Datepicker
DateTime Datepicker+Input
Select Select
MultiSelect Select
belongsTo Select
hasOne Inputs
hasMany Inputs
m2m Select


Name value Description
DecoratorOption string,string a field name can be used {{Name}}. As second param a separator can be set - if set the FE escaping will be disabled.


Name value Description
Select ?

TODO: Validate


The scope will return some helper functions.


Will return the grid source.

src := scrope.Source()


Will return a pointer to the grid config. For dynamically configuration of the grid.

cfg := scrope.Config()


Will return all configured grid fields.

fields := scrope.Fields()


Will return all defined primary fields of the grid.

primaryFields := scrope.PrimaryFields()


Will return the grid controller instance.

ctrl := scrope.Controller()


Will render the grid by the actual grid mode.

Mode set in frontend data Description
grid.SrcCallback data The source callback function is called. as first param the requested callback will be set as string.
grid.SrcCreate The source create function is called.
grid.SrcUpdate The source update function is called.
grid.SrcDelete The condition first will be called to ensure the correct primary key. The source delete function is called.
grid.FeTable pagination, head, data, config ConditionAll is called to create the condition. Add header/pagination if its not excluded by param. The source all function is called. Add config and result to the controller. call the defined render type.
grid.FeExport head, data, config Same as FeTable but without the pagination and limit.
grid.FeCreate head add header data.
grid.FeDetails,grid.FeUpdate head, data add header data. call conditionFirst. fetch the entry by the given id and set the controller data.
grid.FeFilter TODO
grid.FeHistory histories, users all history entries and user data to the given sourceID will be fetched.


With the orm function an orm.Interface will be converted to a grid.Source and can be used out of the box.

History is implemented.

g := grid.New(ctrl, grid.Orm(model), nil)



Must be implmented by the source.

The data will be saved in the histories table by the grid.Histroy struct. The following Fields are available defined:

grid.History saves the entries in the database with all the needed information.

Field value Description
GridID string The grid id. There can be multiple IDs set. The will get separated through ,
UserID string The users id as a string.
SrcID string The ID of the source struct.
Type enum Can have the value Created, Updated or Deleted
Value text orm.ChangeValue as json.
CratedAt datetime The current datetime when it was created.


If the UserID is 0 or grid.HistroySystemUser, it will be displayed as a SYSTEM user. This can be used for cronjobs or other automated changes.

orm.ChangeValue will be used to describe the source changes.

Field value Description
Field string The name of the struct field.
Operation string Value of create, update or delete
New string The new value of the field. Can be empty if zero value.
Old string The old value of the field. Can be empty if zero value.
Index int Only used for hasMany relations.
Children []orm.ChangeValue Same fields as described before in a deeper level.

Create: Fields will only be added if they have no zero value.

Type Description
normal field New will be the value of the field.
belongsTo, m2m New field will be the value of the select TextValue field. To guarantee the correct value in the future, also if the ID got deleted.
HasOne Every field will be in the Childeren slice if the value is not zero.
HasMany Same as hasOne but a the Index field will be set.

Update Only changed values will be added.

Type Description
normal field New and Old will have the fields value. If one of it has a zero value, it will be omitted.
belongsTo, m2m New and Old will be the value of the select TextValue field. To guarantee the correct value in the future, also if the ID got deleted. If one of it has a zero value, it will be omitted.
HasOne Every field will be in the Childeren slice if the value is not zero.
HasMany Can have the following state create, update or delete. On create only the new value will be set, on delete only the old value.


A orm.History entry will be added with the Type: DELETED.

manually add history

err := grid.NewHistory("gridID", "userID", "srcID", grid.HistoryCreated, "New data received.")

Source interface

To create your own source, you have to implement the grid.Source.

type Source interface {
Cache() cache.Manager

PreInit(Grid) error
Init(Grid) error
Fields(Grid) ([]Field, error)
UpdatedFields(Grid) error

Callback(string, Grid) (interface{}, error)
First(condition.Condition, Grid) (interface{}, error)
All(condition.Condition, Grid) (interface{}, error)
Create(Grid) (interface{}, error)
Update(Grid) error
Delete(condition.Condition, Grid) error
Count(condition.Condition, Grid) (int, error)

//Interface() interface{}