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Package auth provides a standard auth for your website. Custom auth providers can be added. Simply implement the auth.Interface


The New function requires the provider name as argument.

Error will return if the provider was not registered or configure before.

// Example of the memory cache provider
provider, err := auth.New("native")



A provider must have a map value in the json config. Maps with only a defined key will be irgnored at the moment. If you dont have any options, define {foo:"bar"} or something. The error has to get fixed in the config package.

Must be used to configure the provider on webserver start. Because there can be different providers with different configurations, a map is passed as second argument. Please see the provider section for the different configuration parameters.

err := ConfigureProvider("native", nil)


The config is predefined in Server.Configuration.Auth.

Name Description
BcryptCost bcrypt cost
AllowedFailedLogin number of failed login attempts before the user gets locked.
LockDuration defines how long a user should be locked before the next login attempt is allowed. (RFC3339 duration string)
InactiveDuration the allowed duration between the last login and now (RFC3339 duration string)
TokenDuration JWT token live time (RFC3339 duration string)
RefreshTokenDuration Refresh token live time (RFC3339 duration string)


The auth.Controller can be used out of the box. All required routes can be added with the helper function auth.AddRoutes.

If you need to extend the controller, simply embed it into your controller and extend the functions.


A Protocol is added which loggs the following user actions:

  • Login
  • Enter wrong password
  • Locked user
  • Inactive user
  • Refresh Token
  • Refresh Token failed
  • Logout
  • Reset password

If you need to add additional protocols, use the helper function AddProtocol(userID,key,value)


By default, the user claim which will be included in the jwt token looks like this. It can be fully customized but be aware to re-implement the jwt.CallbackGenerate and jwt.CallbackRefresh for your requirements.

type Claim struct {

Provider string `json:"provider"`
UserID   int    `json:"id"`

Name    string   `json:"name"`
Surname string   `json:"surname"`
Login   string   `json:"login"`
Roles   []string `json:"Roles"`

Options map[string]string `json:"options"`

JWT middleware

There are two pre-defined callbacks for the jwt middleware JWTRefreshCallback and JWTGenerateCallback. Which can be used out of the box.

RBAC middleware

A pre-defined rbac middleware can be used out of the box.



The native provider will connect to the existing user database. It will add an user option password for the authentication.

Create your own provider

To create your own provider, you have to implement the auth.Interface.

type Interface interface {
Login(p controller.Interface) (Schema, error)
Logout(p controller.Interface) error
RecoverPassword(p controller.Interface) error

Use the init function to register your provider.

The registered value must be of the type func(opt map[string]interface{}) (Interface, error).

// init register the superFastMemory provider.
func init() {
    err := auth.Register("yourProvider", func(options map[string]interface{}) (auth.Interface, error) { return &yourProvider{}, nil })
    if err != nil {

type yourProvider struct {

func (n *Native) Login(c controller.Interface) (auth.Schema, error) {


A Schema is defined which must be used from all providers. Options will be saved in the user database (not yet implemented). The Login will be mapped with the local user database.

type Schema struct {
Provider string
UID      string

Login      string
Name       string
Surname    string
Salutation string

Options []Option